The Environment Agency issued a flood alert on the 24th January for parts of Twyford and other villages: Flood alert for Groundwater flooding in Twyford and Hensting – GOV.UK (
The Parish Council recently issued guidance as to the situation:
Flood Awareness – Water Levels are being closely monitored
Groundwater levels have continued to rise during the last few weeks. Winter springs in parts of the village have started to emerge this week.
During the coming weeks it is possibly that the Environment Agency will issue flood alert and warnings to properties that have signed up to alerts as well as more general warnings for the central area of the village. Some properties, particularly those with cellars may have already received a message. You can register to sign up for alerts at
At the moment there is no cause for alarm as water levels are being monitored closely, twice a day. Although the water table continues to rise, there is still capacity remaining within the aquifers.
Please be reassured that the water levels will continue to be monitored.
The Parish Council has a flood action plan, is following the procedures in this plan and will send out further updates should the situation change.