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Parish Councillors

Councillor Contact Information
Cllr. Chris Mitchell 07768 630373
  • Chairman of the Full Parish Council
Cllr. Richard Sellars 07834 355661
  • Vice-Chairman of the Full Parish Council
  • Chairman of the Finance Committee
Cllr. Waine Lawton 01962 713310
  • Chairman of the Planning Committee
  • Member of the Finance Committee
Cllr. Steve Pullen 07478 800272
  • Chairman of the Recreation Committee
  • Member of the Planning Committee
  • Reserve member of Finance Committee
Cllr. Sue Cook 07884 111916

Cllr. Cook is  also a Winchester District Councillor for Twyford & Colden Common:

  • Member of the Recreation Committee
  • Member of the Planning Committee
  • Member of the Finance Committee
Cllr. Chris Corcoran 01962 712951
  • Chairman, Parish Farm Advisory Committee.
  • Member of the Planning Committee
  • Member of the Finance Committee
Cllr. Angela Forder-Stent 01962 712443
  • Member of the Recreation Committee
  • Member of the Finance Committee
  • Reserve Member of the Planning Committee
  • Chairman, Climate Change Group
Cllr. Stewart Hoad
  • Chairman, Traffic Solutions Focus Group
  • Member of Recreation Committee
Cllr. Chris Hill 01962 713601
  • Member of the Recreation Committee
  • Member of the Planning Committee
Cllr. Jade Pain
  • Member of the Recreation Committee
Cllr. Ingrid Percival
Vacancy 1
Vacancy 2

Advisory Committees

Parish Farm:  Cllr. Corcoran (Chairman), Cllr. Mitchell, Cllr. Cook, Mr. A. Coates, Mr. J. McGill, Mr M. Locke, Mr A. Bocci

Traffic Solutions Focus Group: Cllr. Hoad (Chairman), Cllr. Cook, Cllr. Pullen.

Climate Change: Cllr. Forder-Stent (Chair), Cllr. Pullen.

Hazeley Road Development Area: Cllr. Corcoran, Cllr. Lawton.


The Parish Council is represented on the following external organisations.

Parish Hall:  Cllr. Sellars

Patient Participation Group: Cllr. Forder-Stent, Cllr. Pain.

Twyford Nurses Trust: Cllr. Forder-Stent

Twyford Waterworks Trust: Cllr. Cook

Winchester Association of Parish & Town Councils: Cllr. Forder-Stent, Cllr. Corcoran

Special Responsibilities

Footpaths:  Cllr. Pullen, Cllr. Cook

Flooding:  Cllr. Forder-Stent

Website:  Cllr. Pullen

Parish Clerk to Twyford Parish Council:

J.P. Matthews
PO Box 741, Winchester. SO23 3QA
Telephone: 07443 598464