Hunter Park Enhancements

Many of you will have seen the very visible work that has taken place at Hunter Park to improve sections of footpaths around the site.  This work forms part of the Hunter Park masterplan which identified a series of enhancements for the park.  

Following the successful trial last summer, at the end of this March 2023 a temporary public toilet will be provided and be in place until the end of the summer. 

As part of the Hunter Park masterplan the Parish Council is currently working on developing plans to replace the existing cricket training nets at Hunter Park which have reached the end of their useful life.

To install a new facility which meets the design guidance of the English Cricket Board and offers a safe facility to operate, the proposal is to orientate the new nets on a north/south alignment which avoids the setting sun affecting the users of the facility. This cannot be done within the footprint of the existing training facility and so the Council agreed to investigate a design for the new training nets to be located into an area which is inbetween the existing tennis courts and the cricket outfield.  The exact location has yet to be determined.

These proposals are still in their very early stages and no detailed designs yet exist. There are four key steps that are required in order for the Recreation Committee to be fully informed and make a final decision in respect of the cricket net project.These are;
•          Confirmation of funding for the project.
•          An assessment of whether planning permission is required or whether the works fall under permitted development for Local Authorities.
•          Views of the users of the park, including clubs, on the detailed proposals.
•          An assessment of the duties (Equality, Health & Safety, Crime & Disorder) of the Parish Council in respect of the design, installation and operation of such facilities.
In terms of timescales, this rather depends on outcomes of the planning and financial matters, however it is not anticipated the committee will be in a position to make a final decision until the mid to late summer of this year at the earliest.
Views from the community are welcomed and form an important part of this process  which will help the Recreation Committee make their decision on the project later this year.