Update 7th June 2023
The Parish Council is keen that everyone in the Parish should recognise the importance of these proposals which will affect the whole village for years to come.
The Council want as many people as possible to look at the application for themselves and to submit their comments. We have asked the planning authority to the extend the deadline for comments, so you now have until the 30th June to make a representation.
The Parish Council is also arranging a public consultation ‘drop in’ session so that you can see the plans and ask questions. They’ll be a representative from Humphrey Farms Ltd to explain the proposals and answer any questions you might have. This will take place at :
Twyford Parish Hall – Gilbert Room
Saturday 24th June from 09.30am until 12.45pm
Humphrey Farms Ltd have submitted a planning application for the redevelopment of a large part of their 9.2 hectares site at Northfields Farm. The proposals include the demolition of existing buildings, including the large feed mill, associated support buildings, and commercial buildings and replacing them with new commercial buildings and a cafe & social hub. The sole vehicle access to the site will be from Hazeley Road.
The application also includes proposals for a 4 hectare field to south of the site which will be used, initially, to dispose of some waste from the demolition process, and then used for rainwater attenuation and net biodiversity gain with informal public access.
This application is probably the largest to have been submitted in the village. It comes with about 60 documents which explain the proposals in more detail; show how they can they fit within the landscape and existing infrastructure framework of the village. By relying on existing planning permissions that have already been obtained (though not built), they are able to claim that no new local infrastructure or improvements to roads or cycle ways area required.
The application is exempt from the South Downs National Park’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) scheme and therefore no funds will automatically be provided for local infrastructure.
Twyford Parish Council is preparing its comments on the proposals. The Council accepts that the principle of development of the land is settled by the Twyford Neighbourhood Plan and by the previous planning permissions already granted.
However, the Council is likely to suggest several amendments to the layout and design and suggest a number of controls. This is to help improve the proposals and to align the new buildings and offices with the aspirations of the National Park Authority and the Twyford community.
The Parish Council is keen that everyone in the Parish should recognise the importance of these proposal which will affect the whole village for years to come. The Council want as many people as possible to look at the application for themselves and to comment. Additional traffic, albeit with almost none of the existing Heavy Good Vehicles (these mainly serve the feed mill which is being demolished) could affect the whole village especially the Hazeley Road. At Northfields and Bournefields, the business building areas are very close the residential areas.
The Parish Council has agreed with Planning Officers an extension to the deadline for submitting its comments to the 9th June. This will also enable everyone in the community to consider the documents in detail and submit their own views.
The application and its supporting information can be found on the South Downs National Park’s website using reference SDNP/23/01689/FUL
For a direct link to the application and supporting documents: