Road Closure

Morestead Road (between junction with Hazeley Road and the A31 roundabout.)
As part of the annual Planned Maintenance programme, Hampshire County Council will shortly be undertaking carriageway structural repairs and drainage works on Morestead Road, Winchester, from the junction with Hazeley Road to A31 St Catherine’s Way.
Update: Due to the wet weather forecast during the days this week, they are delaying the start of the structural carriageway repairs on Morestead Road. These will now start on Monday 25th September.
The drainage works being carried out overnight started as planned last night (Monday)
For the remainder of this week (Tue to Fri), Morestead Road will only be closed overnight, from approximately 19:00 to 06:00hrs, and will be open all over the weekend.
From Monday 25th September the road will be closed 24 hours a day for 4 weeks