Category: News

General news, job vacancies

Action on Carbon in Twyford (ACT)

We are a small group comprising two members of the Parish Council, a member of WinACC / Friends of the Earth and two others, one a co-opted member of St Mary’s PCC.  All of us are Twyford residents. ACT’s aim is to encourage us all to take action to reduce our village carbon footprint and …

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Twyford Meads: Phase 2 – Restoration project now underway – Latest Photos

The restoration of the water meadows on the Twyford Meads continues despite the bad weather. Trowel Craft have made an excellent job of rebuilding the derelict culvert using handmade bricks and lime mortar. They are currently building new ‘bunny hatches’ which will eventually be used to control the flow of water through the water meadows. …

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Twyford Meads: Phase 2 – Restoration project now underway

The second phase of work for Twyford Meads has now started with the restoration of the water meadows. Ditches will be cleared, structures rebuilt and land reformed. Aquascience who carried out phase 1 (the new steps in the Locks) will again be the main contractor.

Nearest Jobcentre office

To find your nearest Jobcentre Office, please visit the following website:

New Signs at Compton Lock

In an article in the Hampshire Chronicle dated Thursday, August 15th 2019, it states that ‘New signs have been put up at Compton Lock in a bid to tackle problems with litter and anti-social behaviour.’