Category: News

General news, job vacancies

Chairman’s Annual Report 2019 / 2020

In the absence of an Annual Parish Assembly (due to Coronavirus Restrictions) the Chairman’s Annual Report for 2019 / 2020 is available here 2019-2020 Chairman’s Annual Report

2019 / 2020 Accounts

Twyford Parish Council year end accounts for 2019 / 2020 are available for inspection. Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return


Twyford Parish Council have compiled some useful information that relates to the Coronavirus including useful names & addresses, social media etc. which may be of help during these difficult and unprecedented times.

Action on Carbon in Twyford (ACT)

We are a small group comprising two members of the Parish Council, a member of WinACC / Friends of the Earth and two others, one a co-opted member of St Mary’s PCC.  All of us are Twyford residents. ACT’s aim is to encourage us all to take action to reduce our village carbon footprint and …

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Twyford Meads: Phase 2 – Restoration project now underway – Latest Photos

The restoration of the water meadows on the Twyford Meads continues despite the bad weather. Trowel Craft have made an excellent job of rebuilding the derelict culvert using handmade bricks and lime mortar. They are currently building new ‘bunny hatches’ which will eventually be used to control the flow of water through the water meadows. …

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