Twyford Meads: Phase 2 – Restoration project now underway – Latest Photos

The restoration of the water meadows on the Twyford Meads continues despite the bad weather. Trowel Craft have made an excellent job of rebuilding the derelict culvert using handmade bricks and lime mortar. They are currently building new ‘bunny hatches’ which will eventually be used to control the flow of water through the water meadows.

Aquascience have completed the remodelling of the main stream involving the installation of new oak retaining boards plus landscaping of the surrounding banks. It just remains for grass seed to be sown.

Rebuilt culvert – constructed using handmade bricks and lime mortar
Rebuilt culvert – constructed using handmade bricks and lime mortar
New oak retaining boards in place, backfilling nicely landscaped and awaiting reseeding
New oak retaining boards in place, backfilling nicely landscaped and awaiting reseeding
Lime to make the mortar from France – very appropriate as the project is funded by EU cash!

This restoration was carried out with help from grants from:

Twyford Meads: Phase 2 – Restoration project now underway

Brick arched bridge in a sorry state!

The second phase of work for Twyford Meads has now started with the restoration of the water meadows. Ditches will be cleared, structures rebuilt and land reformed. Aquascience who carried out phase 1 (the new steps in the Locks) will again be the main contractor. 

Water meadows in the Itchen Valley date back to the 16th century. They were intensive agricultural systems for grass growth for over 300 years.  The water running over the grass at different times of year provided protection against drought in the summer, and frost protection in the winter. The water supplied nutrients and lime to feed the grass on the meadows. The Water Meadows at Twyford Meads are historically very valuable as they contain examples of 3 different layouts of the system; rectilinear, sinuous and tear drop. These may reflect investments on the meadows at different times in history. 

Restoration of the brick arched bridge by Trowel Craft

Some structures may be earlier but many of the structures in the vicinity of Twyford Meads water meadows probably date to about 1800. At that time, agricultural prices were high and there was investment in agricultural production generally; for example Hockley Mill was built in 1803. Volunteers have recently uncovered a previously unknown brick arched bridge probably dating back to 1800. Unfortunately, the top of the arch has been vandalised but using traditional materials and techniques, this arch will be restored by Trowel Craft as part of this project. 

Oak retaining boards in place.

Work to be undertaken will include, restoration of the ridge & furrow land form and renovation of the structures (some of which were rebuilt in 2000) to enable an area to be re-irrigated.  

Backfilling underway.

The project is the initiative of Twyford Parish Council as landowner; they have organised the project and supplied part of the funding. It is being grant aided by European Commission (EU) grants under the LEADER programme (almost  £30,000) with a further £4,500 from the Hampshire County Council Rural Communities fund. New interpretation boards will be placed to illustrate the historical and ecological importance of the meadows and the wider valley. Natural England and the Environment Agency have been consulted and the necessary consents are in place. 

Not only will this safeguard the historic Water Meadow, it will maintain the special ecological nature of the area. The area is a Site of Special Scientific (SSSI) as part of the wider Itchen River & Valley. The meadows and clear chalk streams are home to many different species of fish, birds, invertebrates and mammals. The otters roam several miles up and down the valley using  the meadows and streams as hunting grounds.

For more information: Contact:   Chris Corcoran 01962 712951

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Restoration of the Water Meadows – more funding

In an article in the Hampshire Chronicle dated Thursday, August 15th 2019, it states that ‘County chiefs have granted a budget of £4,800 towards a restoration project.’