Category: News

General news, job vacancies

June 2023 meeting of Recreation Committee

The agenda for the meeting of the Recreation Committee on 8th June has been published – Recreation Committee Agendas The agenda includes an update report on proposals for replacement cricket training net at Hunter Park. The meeting will take place in the Gilbert Room at the Parish Hall starting at 6.45pm

Major Planning Application

Update 7th June 2023 The Parish Council is keen that everyone in the Parish should recognise the importance of these proposals which will affect the whole village for years to come. The Council want as many people as possible to look at the application for themselves and to submit their comments. We have asked the …

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Annual Meeting

The agenda for the Annual Meeting, which also marks the start of a new 4 year Council term, has been published at Full Parish Council – Twyford Parish Council ( The meeting takes place on 18th May 2023 at 7.30pm in the Gilbert Room at the Parish Hall

May 2023 Meeting of Planning Committee

The agenda for the meeting of the Planning Committee on 4th May has been published – Planning Committee Agendas The meeting will take place at The Pavilion, Hunter Park at 7.30pm

Notice of Uncontested Election