Flood Alert – Groundwater Flooding

The Environment Agency issued a flood alert on the 24th January for parts of Twyford and other villages: Flood alert for Groundwater flooding in Twyford and Hensting – GOV.UK (check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk)

The Parish Council recently issued guidance as to the situation:

Flood Awareness – Water Levels are being closely monitored

Groundwater levels have continued to rise during the last few weeks. Winter springs in parts of the village have started to emerge this week.

During the coming weeks it is possibly that the Environment Agency will issue flood alert and warnings to properties that have signed up to alerts as well as more general warnings for the central area of the village. Some properties, particularly those with cellars may have already received a message.  You can register to sign up for alerts at www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings

At the moment there is no cause for alarm as water levels are being monitored closely, twice a day. Although the water table continues to rise, there is still capacity remaining within the aquifers. 
Please be reassured that the water levels will continue to be monitored.

The Parish Council has a flood action plan, is following the procedures in this plan and will send out further updates should the situation change.

Public Right of Way claim at White Lane

Twyford Parish Council have received some good news from the Planning Inspectorate regarding the long outstanding claim to add the footpath between Hockley Cottages and White Lane to the Definitive Map, thereby confirming it as a Public Right of Way.

The claim was submitted by the Parish Council in May 2020 to Hampshire Councty Council. However, because they had not determined the application, the Parish Council wrote to the Secretary of State asking that they issue a direction to HCC.

On behalf of the Secretary of State, the Planning Inspectorate has now directed that Hampshire Council determine the application within 6 months, by the 9th June 2023. HCC can only appeal this decision by way of a Judicial Review.

Download the full report by the Planning Inspectorate.


Winchester District Local Plan

The Parish Council has submitted its views as part of the consultation on the draft Winchester District Local Plan.

You can read the submission made by the Council here

Twyford Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Result


The referendum was held on Thursday 13 January 2022 to decide on the question below:

“Do you want the South Downs National Park Authority to use the neighbourhood development plan for the Parish of Twyford to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

The Result

Yes: 349  (83%)
No: 70 (17%)

Spoilt Papers: 0

Turnout: 33%

The vote has confirmed community support for the Twyford Neighbourhood Development Plan. The Plan will now be formally ‘made’ by the South Downs National Park Authority and will be used by them in deciding future planning applications in Twyford.

Notice of Referendum


A Referendum relating to the adoption of the Twyford Neighbourhood Development Plan will be held on Thursday 13 January 2022. Notice of Referendum has been published today, Friday 3 December 2021.

The referendum is being organised by Winchester City Council who can provide full details of the referendum process, how to register to vote, how to apply for postal votes and proxies. 

In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (Referendum) Regulations, the Winchester City Council has also published an Information Statement which sets out information relating to the referendum. This information can be viewed at www.winchester.gov.uk/elections/twyford-neighbourhood-development-plan