Return to Parish Council

Recreation Committee

The Recreation sub-committee of the Parish Council oversees the management of Hunter Park, Allotments and the Northfields Play Area.

Committee members:

Cllr. Steve Pullen – Chairman Cllr. Forder-Stent
Cllr. Jade Pain Cllr. Christine Hill
Cllr. Sue Cook Cllr. Stewart Hoad
Ex-offico: Cllr. Chris Mitchell Ex-offico: Cllr. Richard Sellars

Recreation Committee Meetings 2023 / 2024

8th June 2023 Agenda Minutes
14th September 2023 Agenda Minutes
16th November 2023 Agenda Minutes
15th February 2024 Agenda Minutes
16th May 2024 Agenda Draft Minutes

Recreation Committee Meetings 2022 / 2023

14th July 2022 Agenda Minutes
20th October 2022 Agenda Minutes
12th January 2023 Cancelled  
2nd March 2023 Agenda Minutes

Recreation Committee Meetings 2021 / 2022

22nd July 2021 Minutes
9th September 2021 Minutes
11th November 2021 Minutes
13th January 2022 Minutes
17th March 2022 Minutes
5th May 2022 Minutes

Recreation Committee Meetings 2020 / 2021

9th July 2020 Minutes
17th September 2020 Minutes
12th November 2020 Minutes
14th January 2021 Minutes
25th March 2021 Minutes
6th May 2021 Minutes

Recreation Committee Meetings 2019 / 2020

23rd May 2019 Recreation Committee Minutes
25th July 2019 Recreation Committee Minutes
19th September 2019 Recreation Committee Minutes
28th November 2019 Recreation Committee Minutes
23rd January 2020 Recreation Committee Minutes
26th March 2020 – Cancelled due to COVID 19 Recreation Notes for March 2020

Recreation Committee Meetings 2018 / 2019

31st May 2018 Recreation Committee Minutes
2nd August 2018 Recreation Committee Minutes
27th September 2018 Recreation Committee Minutes
29th November 2018 Recreation Committee Minutes
31st January 2019 Recreation Committee Minutes
21st March 2019 Recreation Committee Minutes